The Soulful Selling Podcast

Ep. 98 Top 8 Tips to Holding a Profitable Sales Call with Olesya - PART 2

Olesya Oligradska

On this week's solo episode, Olesya chatted about the next 4 tips to holding a profitable sales call. The most common question Olesya gets asked is "what is the script that will sell?". We are continuing to unpacking just that in part 2.

In this episode she covered:

  • why trusting action over words will keep you moving
  • the power of listening & paying attention
  • the power of cash incentives
  • how to leave prospects inspired to take action

...and much more! Trust me you don't want to miss this episode so grab your fav beverage & dive in! See you on the inside!

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For more inspo head over to Instagram and follow  @olesyaoligradska